This Class holds a copy of data and forwards it to multiple streams. Here the ContentValue class helps to put information inside an object in the form of Key-Value pairs for columns. In this step we open CameraFragment and add the code to initiate the camera here we perform a set of operation to click a picture from camera and store that in database.
Here we define Schema i. DataBase name, version, table names, and column names. This method helps to update the current database schema or to drop the table or recreate it in via on Create method. Method public void deleteEntry long row -This Method is used to delete an entry in DataBase based on uid. This is the model class that populates the data in adapter here String represents the encoded String image that was saved in the database and int represents the respective data that we will be populating.
In this fragment , I am getting the data out of the database using cursor. The cursor is an interface that contains the result set of Query made against DataBase in android.
When we retrieve some data then the database will first create the Cursor object the pointer of this object id is pointing to 0th position. Magic Eraser is the best features in Google Camera so far. With a few taps in Google Photos, you can remove strangers and unwanted objects from your photos. It will change the look of the Google Camera dynamically with the wallpaper you have set. So download and install the Pixel 6 Pro camera app onto your phone with the latest Google Camera 8.
Here is the latest original Google Camera 8. This Gcam 8. There are two variants to the Pixel 6 Pro camera app. Note: For Google Drive link, download using PC, transfer it to phone storage, and see the installation instructions below. Following we have listed the latest Gcam 8. It may not be available just yet as the development takes time.
Meanwhile, you can download the latest Gcam 8. You can also install it on Android 12, 11, 10, or even earlier versions like 9.
Thanks to Google Pixel TG channel for screenshots. Join our Telegram Channel. How it manages to be such a good house app? Easy, I love how Momentum app is created to be a solidly built recorded app with awesome features.
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