After meeting with a military group Hunk, who tried to kill William, he injects a virus, mutates and survives after the shelling. Important innovations include over-the-shoulder view and stunning graphics. Sophisticated effects, reflections, shooting and a new-looking surrounding world. Walk through spooky corridors, solve puzzles, pick up ammo or items as you fight to survive among the monsters.
As in the original game, gamers will explore locations and kill opponents while completing tasks along the way. When shooting at monsters, you will leave realistic trails that give a full sense of the power of the weapon. The main tasks of the characters are to survive and find Claire's brother.
The gameplay contains an excellent frightening atmosphere created by high-quality soundtrack, hordes of monsters and many dark locations. The site administration is not responsible for the content of the materials on the resource. Day Of The Dead - a concoction of dead-end scares and flesh-chewing shocks.
Set in the mysteriously deserted Raccoon City like the first Resident Evil , you play the role of either Leon, a rookie cop assigned to the local police department, or Claire Redfield, brother of Chris Red field the lead character from the first game.
Both characters have their own agenda, weapons and path through the story you can start as either character, then change over and play through the game again, albeit in a completely different way , all of which is set up in the awesomely impressive introductory sequence. Resident Evil 2 plays pretty much the same as Resident Evil 1, with 3D characters 'skating' over pre-rendered backdrops, but the dialogue and storyline have been hugely improved.
PC owners who bought and played the first game may have been put off by the atrocious voice-overs and hammy acting, but this time they will find themselves gripped in the tangled web of mystery and intrigue that is this game's unfolding plot. Graphically, Resident Evil 2 is light years ahead of its predecessor - especially the disgustingly animated zombies, which seem to proliferate in every darkened corner of the game.
And, as if your blood pressure wasn't high enough, a sprinkling of deliriously scary set-pieces have been dropped into strategically positioned portions of the game.
Of course, Capcom are planning to support virtually every 3D accelerator known to man and not just PowerVR, as with the prequel , so speed and smoothness should not be an issue. A software version is also in the pipeline, we believe. One thing that is likely to generate some complaint from the PC gameplaying fraternity is the save system - one thing that has been retained from the original game.
Again, you are forced to rely on infrequently-placed typewriters and inventory-filling ink ribbons to retain your hard-earned position in the game, although - to be honest - it shouldn't turn out to be too annoying and it does add to the tension.
The only downside to this would be if you've already played the game all the way through on the PlayStation. If you have, there really wouldn't be much point in buying it to play on PC because Resident Evil 2 is essentially a direct port of the console version. If you haven't seen anything of the game at this point, though, you can be sure of one hell of a scare come February when Resident Evil 2 bleeds onto our hard drives. The original Resident Evil game was a groundbreaking success in the horror genre, leaving a lot of expectations on its sequel.
However, Resident Evil 2 manages to surprise and satisfy, by improving on an already solid foundation. Resident Evil 2 places players once again into a zombie apocalypse, this time taking place in the small town of Racoon City. Players can control either Leon Kennedy or Claire Redfield, two protagonists with unique gameplay and weapons. Resident Evil 2 manages to stand out from the original game due to its interesting locations, great enemies, and grotesque monster designs.
Like in the original Resident Evil game, Resident Evil 2 is all about surviving the zombie apocalypse unraveling around you. The game is more about evading zombies than outright killing them, as you'll rarely have the ammo to take down your enemies.
Healing sprays and medicinal herbs are just as rare, which means you'll have to be cautious when exploring. A lot of your time will be spent scouring the map and looking for unique items that will Aid you in your progress. Puzzles and various obstacles block your way, so you'll have to use your brain as well. One of the biggest features of Resident Evil 2 is the two protagonist system, which changes how the game is played depending on who you choose.
Leon is a bit slower to control, but has a good variety of firepower. Claire is quicker, but her arsenal often requires more precision than speed. Both characters are interesting and fun to play as, and the variety in game play makes them both worth playing as. Furthermore, the game is packed with new modes that encourage repeat playthroughs.
After finishing the game with one character, you can continue with the opposite, experiencing new locations and puzzles. Both Leon and Claire have their own separate stories, and while they do intersect from time to time, they're unique enough to feel fresh.
You're also rewarded with better guns and other cool modes by finishing the game with a high rank. Generally speaking, Resident Evil 2 gives you a reason to keep coming back for more mayhem time and time again. If there's any downside to Resident Evil 2, it rests in the camera and character controls. Like the original game, your camera perspective is always from a fixed angle, which can make it tough to navigate.
Furthermore, your character controls like a tank, which can cause you to turn and move the wrong way. Resident Evil 2 has seen a few remix, and each successive release of the game has seen some improvements in these regards. Most notably, a remake in updated the camera view and controls to feel more natural. Regardless, Resident Evil 2 stands up is one of the best horror games of all time. The duel narrative between Leon and Claire is interesting and gives gamers a reason to return to the main story even after they've completed it.
Successive unlocks keep gameplay fresh, and the environments and atmosphere stays appropriately creepy. Although the controls can feel a bit weird at times, once you get used to them, you'll find them to be serviceable. If you liked the original Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2 gives you more great survival horror gameplay with even better unlockables and varied storylines.
Yup, both RE2 and 3 are coming to the Dreamcast this month. What has Capcom included for part 2 besides the higher resolution? Best of all, the VMU displays not only your health status, but also how much ammo you have left in your weapon. Prepare to return to Raccoon City.
Capcom is about to unleash Resident Evil 2 on an unsuspecting gaming world Well, after the success of the first game, maybe not too unsuspecting in spring of ' The sequel picks up right after the first game.
It seems that after the mansion in the first game was destroyed, the residents of Raccoon City have fallen prey to an unexplainable skin disease. Things only get worse when the disease causes everyone who is sticker with it to become a zombie. In addition to the city being infested with zombies.
Umbrella's the organization behind the biological experiments in the first game other test subjects are running free. Raccoon City has definitely seen brighter days. Apparently, our heroes from the first game. Chris and Jill "the master of unlocking.
The role of the good guys is left up to two brand-new characters. Leon Kennedy is a rookie cop who has found a safe haven in the Raccoon City police department, despite the fact that all of his fellow officers have joined the ranks of the living dead. He soon meets up with Elza Walker, a year-old college student who ended up at the police station after dodging zombies on the city streets while she was riding her motorcycle. Considering that Resident Evil was one of the most popular not to mention best-selling PlayStation games ever.
Resident Evil 2 is practically guaranteed to be a hit. The first Resident Evil game gave PlayStation owners a reason to shout. Blood, gore and a macabre setting that hasn't been duplicated since Due to hit the PlayStation in the spring of '97 is the sequel, and what a game it's shaping up to be!
By looking at the latest screen shots, it's already apparent that this time around, there will be more than just zombies to worry about. Set in Racoon City, Leon Kennedy rookie cop, investigator extraordinaire and Elza Walker a year-old college student try to get to the bottom of the outbreak of zombie-itis. Chaos and mayhem ensue as the two try to stop the zombies and Umbrella, the organization that genetically created the disease.
Trapped inside Racoon City's police station, our intrepid heroes slash their way through wave after wave of zombies. Although still early, there's a possibility that you can wander around the rest of the city as well.
If that's the case, this will be one huge adventure sure to satiate any gamer's thirst for blood. If Resident Evil 2 is as good as the first, Capcom will have another record-selling hit on their hands. Stay tuned to our future issues for the latest information on what could become the hottest game of ' When Resident Evil was first released on the PlayStation, it quickly became one of the system's top titles.
Riding on the heels of the first game, Resident Evil 2 looks like it just might eclipse the macabre look and feel of the original. The sequel begins where the first one left off. After discovering the biogenetic experiments going on in Racoon City, the team of S. The town's citizens are slowly recovering from the disastrous experiments conducted there. Little do they know that they are slowly being zombified by a skin rash that is spreading like wildfire across the town.
Resident Evil 2 called BioHazard 2 in Japan , introduces us to two new characters. Leon Scott Kennedy is a rookie cop who is just beginning his beat in Racoon City, and Elza Walker, daredevil motorcycle stunt racer and college student extraordinaire.
When the terror of the skin rash first reveals itself, the two find themselves in the police station, which you'd think would be the safest place in the city. When you have bloodsucking zombies on your trail, no place is completely safe from the threat of attack.
Droves upon droves of living undead make their way to the hub, hoping to turn the rookie cop and college student into a late-night snack. Add to the already menacing zombies a few of the experiments Umbrella had been working on that have freed themselves in the chaos that has fallen upon the city , and you have one major problem on your hands. What you see on the following two pages are screens from a videotape of the game, so we can't yet comment on the gameplay or plot line just yet.
But just looking at these screens tells you that this won't be a game to be taken lightly. Shinji Mikami. During the development of the first game, there were game-play features that were left out of the final game because of time constraints.
Now that Mikami-san has the time needed to develop the game in the way that he originally wanted, the game will have a lot more depth not that the first one didn't. It is unclear yet as to whether the game will let you explore areas other than just the police station, but you can bet since Capcom has said that the game will be bigger than the original, the possibility of travelling through adjacent buildings will be part of the adventure.
Capcom is looking to accurately translate the game from Japanese to English this time around. Simone Seydoux, Capcom's product marketing manager says. First, the bad news: This eagerly awaited sequel has been delayed again--until the first quarter of next year!
The good news: It looks like Resident Evil 2 will be another violent, horrifying masterpiece that's well worth the wait, as these screens show.
RE2 stays true to the pre-rendered background format of its predecessor, but story-wise, Jill and Chris are history as RE2 introduces two new characters: Elza, a university student, and Leon, a rookie cop.
This time the mayhem takes place in an overrun police precinct that's crawling with zombies, mutated dogs, and other monsters.
Time to find some weapons and survive! RE2 will be a two-CD set, and, by the way, there's also a version of the first Resident Evil game in the works for the Saturn. The game that made the PlayStation such a viable game machine last year is back with another zombie-butt-kicking action-test. Resident Evil 2 is still in its early stages, but these early pics already have us drooling for more! This time, the backdrop isn't limited to just a haunted mansion.
Two months after the first RE ends, the whole freakin' town is infected by a strange skin disease that turns citizens into zombies. You play as either a rookie cop, Leon Kennedy, trying to get past fellow officers who are now zombies, or a college student, Elza Walker, who escapes the haunted town of Raccoon City and seeks refuge at the police station.
Unfortunately, most of the cops want to munch on more than donuts! Get ready to rock with more firepower, more body snackin', and a ton more gore than before. This is definitely going to be a Scary Larry kind of game! If you haven't heard of the Resident Evil series Biohazard in Japan , chances are you've been living in a cave for the last five years.
Capcom's frighteningly popular "Survival Horror" series has sold more copies worldwide than any other PlayStation franchise aside from Final Fantasy , and now, thanks to some amazing programming by the folks at Angel Studios, the second game in the series is coming home to the Nintendo The N64 version of Resident Evil 2 is pretty much identical to the PlayStation Dual Shock edition, minus the Extreme Battle mode that was exclusive to that version of the game.
Never mind the fact that the game itself is excellent--it's also a technological miracle. Needless to say, the folks at Angel Studios deserve much praise for this astonishing feat. Additionally, RE2 for the N64 offers some minor tweaks and additions to the game that make it worth playing through again if you're a fan of the original.
The game's creators have gone in and added 16 new "EX Files" eight for each quest which explain some of the more intricate details of the overall Resident Evil story. There are even some bits that tie in with RE3 and Code: Veronica, which is very cool. Also, users can adjust the game's violence levels, and after finishing the game once, a randomizer will shuffle around certain items to alter the experience a bit. One thing we didn't mention in the main review--it would've been nice if Capcom added a turn feature like the ones in RE3 and Dino Crisis.
Once you've used it, it's hard to go back to the old way of turning around. Oh well. An amazing game nonetheless. Before I begin, let me make something clear to owners of the PS version of Resident Evil 2: Unless you're an RE superfreak like me , you probably don't need to bother with this one.
The differences are too subtle for anyone but hardcore RE fans to notice. However, if you ARE an RE nut, I highly recommend this baby, not only for the gooey nostalgic feeling it'll bring upon you, but because a now you can play it in hi-res, and more importantly b it's got a set of 16 new "EX Files" that reveal some interesting plot points that RE fans will die for. And if you're just a regular oP N64 owner who's never played RE2 before, go buy this right now.
It's one of the best adventure games or "Survival Horror," if you will of all time, anc it'll scare the living crap out of you more times than any low-budget "witch" movie could ever hope to.
It's got a great story as well, and it's got lots of replay value since there are two quests Leon and Claire , which each differ depending on whose quest you take up first.
The fact that Angel Studios pulled this off just amazes me. And the FMV quality isn't half bad! The voices are a little tinny, though. How can anyone complain with all this? The N64 library needs a game like RE2, and you couldn't ask for a better port of the PlayStation mega-seller.
Characters and backgrounds are ultra sharp. The sound effects are incredible. And even if the FMV is a little grainy, who cares--I'm just happy to see it all crammed into this N64 cart. The scattered extra documents are nothing special, but the game-play is as classic as ever. It's about time N64 owners got a taste of survival horror. Nothing on the N64 is like it--it's a refreshingly unique and chillingly scary game that N64 owners will probably embrace seeing as how the system has too many cute and colorful "kiddie" games.
This is an excellent translation of one of the PS' best games. If you want to experience engrossing survival horror, here's your chance. If you're an N64 owner and never got to experience RE2, then this is the perfect time to.
There's nothing missing here from the PlayStation version, including the full-motion video albeit grainy. Ingame graphics are especially nice-looking in hi res--better than the PS. There's a hint of slowdown when a lot of zombies are swarming around you, but nothing that detracts from gameplay. Too bad it couldn't have come out a little earlier.
As we revealed a couple of months back, Capcom is definitely releasing a Resident Evil game for the N More details have now come through -- development will be handled by American software house Angel Studios, and the game itself will be based on PlayStation Resident Evil Many people were sceptical about fitting a Resident Evil game onto a cartridge, but Angel Studios has developed some special compression software for the numerous detailed backgrounds for each scene.
The software works so well that N64 Resident Evil 2 may even be in hi-res! Exploding zombies in x resolution Resident Evil 2 is due for a Christmas release. How the PlayStation's story-advancing movie scenes will be translated has yet to be decided, but the N64's instant loading should at last see the end of those annoying waits to open doors!
Moaning zombies! Exploding heads! Murderous genetic mutations! Bad acting! It can only be Capcom's Resident Evil 2 , and now, more than 18 months after it spewed blood over PlayStation owners, it makes the jump to the tombstone-like slab of an N64 cartridge. Since N64 owners have been denied a chance to witness the events of the first Resident Evil game. Resident Evil 2 has some extra files lying around the place that help fill in the history. The overall villain of the whole series is the corrupt Umbrella corporation don't you love it when the Japanese just apply English words at random?
The unfortunate side-effect of this is that almost every human that comes into contact with the virus turns into a flesh-eating zombie! The first game focused on a pair of cops, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, who uncovered Umbrella's plot and had to battle way to safety through an army of zombies. Now, the heroes are Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield, a rookie cop having a miserable first day on the force and the sister of Chris paying him an unexpected visit respectively.
It's up to them to escape from the zombie-filled environs of Racoon City more great Japlish and do what they can to stop the Umbrella conspiracy from opening wider.
For a long time, naysayers insisted that it would be impossible to transfer Resident Evil 2 to the N64, simply because of the size of the game - the PlayStation version came on two CDs, or a hulking Mbits in Nintendo terms - that's the equivalent of over carts the size of Super Mario 64!
Yet the game is all here. Developer Angel Studios has taken a pint pot and managed to squeeze a supertanker into it. Languages :. English and 11 more. View Steam Achievements Includes 44 Steam Achievements. View Points Shop Items 3. Points Shop Items Available.
Franchise: Resident Evil. Share Embed. Read Critic Reviews. Add to Cart. Package info. Bundle info. Add to Account. Add all DLC to Cart. See All. View Community Hub. About This Game The genre-defining masterpiece Resident Evil 2 returns, completely rebuilt from the ground up for a deeper narrative experience. In Resident Evil 2, the classic action, tense exploration, and puzzle solving gameplay that defined the Resident Evil series returns.
Players join rookie police officer Leon Kennedy and college student Claire Redfield, who are thrust together by a disastrous outbreak in Raccoon City that transformed its population into deadly zombies. The fate of these two fan favorite characters is in players hands as they work together to survive and get to the bottom of what is behind the terrifying attack on the city.
Will they make it out alive? A spine-chilling reimagining of a horror classic - Based on the original release in , the new game has been completely rebuilt from the ground up for a deeper narrative experience.
A whole new perspective — New over-the-shoulder camera mode and modernized control scheme creates a more modern take on the survival horror experience and offers players a trip down memory lane with the original gameplay modes from the release. Face the grotesque hordes — Zombies are brought to life with a horrifyingly realistic wet gore effect as they react in real time taking instant visible damage, making every bullet count.
Iconic series defining gameplay — Engage in frenzied combat with enemies, explore dark menacing corridors, solve puzzles to access areas and collect and use items discovered around the environment in a terrifying constant fight for survival.
See favorite characters in a whole new light - Join rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy on his first day in the job and college student Claire Redfield, who is searching for her brother amidst a terrifying zombie epidemic.