For example resistance will increase with increase in length hence R is directly proportional to L, also resistance decreases with increase in area and hence R is inversely proportional to A. Now the constant which changed the proportional sign to equal is obviously resistivity.
Some formulas have different conditions like Electric field at different places axial, equatorial and at a angle. To remember these formulas better try learning only one general formula at an angle and thus can give out of everyone. Electricity chapters are very interesting and thus understanding the role of circuit components will help you understand the formula of physics.
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Biot Savart's Law. Coulomb's Law. Electric Field. Induced Voltage. Resonant Frequency. Magnetic Force Charge. The complete list of physics formulas cheat sheet for PDF download to help users to use them offline to learn or workout how to execute or solve the various calculations of force, velocity, density, torque, acceleration, fluids, inertia, momentum, viscosity, energy, pressure, tension, charge, frequency, current, voltage, resistance, conductance, capacitance, inductance, electric field, magnetic field, refraction, sound and much more.
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